Django vs Laravel: Choosing Your Web Development Champion

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Jigar Patel-
7 min read




Web development has become an indispensable part of businesses around the world. It doesn't matter if you're a small startup or a large enterprise; web frameworks are a fundamental tool for creating innovative web applications and simplifying software development. Two of the most popular web frameworks globally are Django and Laravel. In this blog, we'll dive into a detailed comparison of these two prominent web development frameworks to help you make an informed choice when embarking on your next web project.

What is Django?

  • Django, a high-level web framework written in Python, stands out for its rapid development capabilities and clean design, streamlining web development by handling repetitive tasks.

  • Developed by experienced programmers, it adheres to the Model-View-Template (MVT) pattern, offering a structured environment for application development, with built-in features that enhance security and accelerate development.

  • Its support for clean and concise coding makes it beginner-friendly, and it offers a rich set of features, including user authentication, RSS feeds, and content administration. Widely adopted by major enterprises, Django's versatility makes it a go-to choice across various industries, from data science to machine learning and beyond.

What is Laravel?

  • Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework known for its elegant syntax and rapid development capabilities.

  • It adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and offers scalability through features like a distributed cache system and job scheduling. Laravel simplifies development with support for dependency injection, queues, and a database abstraction layer.

  • As a PHP-based framework, Laravel is built on Symfony and hosted on its dedicated GitHub page. It is capable of creating various types of websites and applications, including news sites, content management systems (CMS), and networking platforms.

  • Laravel is known for its strong security features, including encryption and robust authentication to protect web applications from online threats.

Feature Comparison: Django vs. Laravel

  • Flexibility & Open Source: Django and Laravel are both free and open source, offering flexibility in web development.

  • Scalability & Simplicity: Both are scalable and straightforward to use.

  • Middleware: Django has a middleware system for request/response processing, whereas Laravel lacks this specific feature.

  • Extensibility & ORM: They're extensible and provide Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for database interactions.

  • Inbuilt Tools: Django has inbuilt tools for email systems, which Laravel lacks.

  • Architecture: Django follows the MVT (Model-View-Template) pattern, while Laravel adheres to MVC (Model-View-Controller).

  • URL Routing & Template Engine: Both offer URL routing and template engines for rendering views.

  • Documentation: Comprehensive documentation is available for both frameworks.

  • Form Handling: Both excel in powerful form-handling systems.

  • SEO Optimization: Django includes SEO features, whereas Laravel requires custom SEO implementation.

  • Security: Both prioritize security, including CSRF protection.

Companies Using Them

Organizations Using Django:

  • Bitbucket, Mozilla, Instagram, Pinterest, Accenture, Spotify, Dropbox, NASA, Coding Ninjas, Reddit, Udemy, Washington Post, Sauce Labs, National Geographic, Disqus, Eventbrite

Organizations Using Laravel:

  • BBC, About You, Pfizer, Crowdcube, Ratio, Pedidosya, 9GAG, UNION, Razorpay, Packet,, Toyota Hall of Fame, Lenovo, Wikipedia, Laracasts, Asgard CMS, FedEx, TourRadar

Django vs Laravel: Key Features Comparison


  • Django: Python-based, known for speed, scalability, and maintainability.
  • Laravel: PHP-based, prioritizes simplicity and user-friendliness.

Initial Release

  • Django: July 2005
  • Laravel: June 2011


  • Django: Popular across diverse website categories.
  • Laravel: Widely recognized in various domains.

Database Support

  • Django: Supports MariaDB, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL.
  • Laravel: Supports MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, and SQL.


  • Django: Implements robust user authentication and security measures.
  • Laravel: Enhances security through salted/hashed passwords.

Speed and Performance

  • Django: Renowned for swiftness with Python-based architecture.
  • Laravel: Feature-rich, may exhibit slightly slower performance.

Use Cases

  • Django: Suitable for SEO-friendly social media, CRM, and data science.
  • Laravel: Ideal for interactive layouts, customized apps, and smaller projects.


  • Django: Uses Jinja template engine.
  • Laravel: Utilizes Blade template engine.


  • Django: Routing can be challenging, lacks a built-in API.
  • Laravel: Simplifies routing with built-in support for methods.

App Management

  • Django: Excels at managing multiple apps within a project.
  • Laravel: Well-suited for mid-scale projects, less for projects with multiple apps.

Community Support

  • Django: Large community supported by Django Software Foundation.
  • Laravel: Substantial community, extensive documentation/resources.


  • Django: Intricate code, challenging for beginners.
  • Laravel: Simple coding and syntax, more beginner-friendly.

Development Environment

  • Django: Lightweight web server for faster development.
  • Laravel: Integrates well with events, queues, and command bus for running cron jobs.


  • Django: Uses Object Relational Mapping (ORM) for database interactions.
  • Laravel: Employs ORM and query builders for active record implementation.

API Support

  • Django: Built-in API support.
  • Laravel: Lacks built-in API support, may need additional libraries.

GitHub Stars

  • Django: 43,384 stars on GitHub.
  • Laravel: 34,292 stars on GitHub.

Learning Curve

  • Django: Steeper learning curve.
  • Laravel: Considered easier for novices, developer-friendly.

Running Websites

  • Django: Hosts approximately 205,106 websites.
  • Laravel: Foundation for around 121,173 websites.

Design Interface

  • Django: Features a ready-to-use administrative graphical interface.
  • Laravel: Utilizes Blade template and Authenticate package for design and functionality.


  • Django: Strong choice for scalability, especially with AI and ML applications.
  • Laravel: Exhibits good scaling capabilities with PHP foundation.

Inbuilt Tools

  • Django: Includes features such as decorators.
  • Laravel: Provides inbuilt tools like method injection for streamlined development.

Ease of Testing

  • Django: Testing Python-based apps is straightforward.
  • Laravel: Testing PHP-based apps may be time-consuming and challenging.

Middleware Support

  • Django: Supports various middleware options.
  • Laravel: Supports HTTP middleware for enhanced request and response handling.

When to Use Django or Laravel

Choosing between Django and Laravel depends on your project's specific requirements and goals. Here are some scenarios where one may be a better choice:

Select Django when you need to create:

  • Dynamic, SEO-friendly, and customizable social media websites.
  • Machine learning-integrated apps with a focus on personalization.
  • CRM systems for eCommerce platforms.
  • Large and secure applications for B2B communication.
  • Data analytical applications with visualization.
  • Data-driven applications in food and hospitality, science, and education.
  • Data science-based applications.
  • Applications dependent on extensive data.

Choose Laravel when you need to create:

  • Applications with a fully documented framework and strong community support.
  • Interactive website layouts with engaging content.
  • Applications without overhead components, utilizing the Blade Template Engine.
  • Customized, SEO-friendly, and reliable web applications in a faster and more efficient manner with object-oriented libraries.
  • Applications with built-in PHP Data Objects-based security protection.
  • Small-scale applications like blogs.
  • Projects related to entertainment, technology, and the arts.
  • Web applications employing CSS and JavaScript.

Quick summary

Django and Laravel are powerful web frameworks, each with its unique strengths and features. Django, built on Python, is known for its speed, scalability, and maintainability, making it an excellent choice for various applications requiring frequent changes. On the other hand, Laravel, a PHP-based framework, is user-friendly and offers simpler features, making it suitable for smaller-scale projects and rapid development.

Ultimately, the choice between Django and Laravel should be based on the specific needs of your project, your development team's expertise, and your long-term goals. Both frameworks have a lot to offer, and selecting the right one will ensure the success of your web application development project.

About the Author

Jigar Patel is a Laravel enthusiast and a software developer at JBCodeapp Company. Visit our JBCodeapp to learn more about our work in the Laravel ecosystem.

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